


Chapel Hill, NC


Activity Feed

Sarah Bowen replied to Carol Roeder's discussion Library Name
"At my church, the library is "The Library". It was formerly, officially, "The Virgil and Marjorie…"
Aug 17, 2011
Sarah Bowen replied to Sandra Fitts's discussion Devotional books for young women (college age)
"Amy Carmichael's devotionals are wonderful (Edges of His Ways, Whispers of His Power, etc.), and…"
Jun 23, 2011
Lynda Harrington replied to Sarah Bowen's discussion YA books
"Sometimes you can't get the current teens and it takes building that group from elementary school. …"
May 18, 2011
Phyllis Wendorf replied to Sarah Bowen's discussion YA books
"We moved the YA books out of the library and into the youth room.  We know they are being looked at…"
May 18, 2011