Administration (24)

Facts and Trends

Do you have a subscription to Facts & Trends? I encourage you to get the new digital edition which replaced the print edition this Fall. Many libraries have had the print edition in their collections for years. Since that is no longer possible, I hig

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Hello.  I'm a member of St. John's Episcoapal Church, Charleston, WV; we have a 'library' consisting of some rather dusty, musty books which hardly anyone ever reads.  Our new pastor wants to change this.    Because I have an MLS, I've been asked to

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Prep and prayer

Thinking and praying about the best way to start up a new church library at Polson Alliance Church.
We were given *bookstore shelving* (PTL) by another church.

We have boxes of already donated books and DVDs and videos.

We have the space in our fello

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