A New Year for Library Ministries: 2025

Yesterday was the annual Youth Ministers Preaching Day across the world according our youth minister, David Reed, who preached a great sermon! He made a great point that made me think about our new year ahead for libraries. The title of his sermon was "New Year New You." His focal passage was 2 Corinthians 5:14-17. In verses 16-17 we find a change in perspective. That caught my attention in regard to our library. 

First, we need to consider the perspective(s) we follow in and through our libraries. Is our perspective aligned to the perspective(s) of our churches and synagogues. My church is focused on growing in our faith this next year. What role can our library play during the year?

Second, I realized that changing faith perspectives may be a challenge for believers. What if reading Christian fiction helps people engage in stories where the characters change their perspectives to become a new creation? What if our non-fiction choices for the new year leads people to understand new perspectives for their lives? What about biographies that bring genuine changes to life perspectives?

Even though David did not mention the Enrichment Center in his sermon, he did suggest reading. I want to step up this week with a list of books in our collection that could be featured next Sunday when our pastor leads us in GROW Sunday. We will place these books in the display windows. And I will put the list of books in the staff inboxes next week.

What about your thoughts about "New Year New Library"?




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