Collection Development (71)

Grace Bags

I wanted to share a new resource that has a been a big hit for our church library:  Grace Bags.  These bags contain books and manipulatives for families to checkout and use during service or to take home. For example, the Daniel bag contains 3 books,

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Huge Book Sale!

I am the librarian for my church library and also the president of the local Friends of the Library.  Our Big Book Sale is coming up soon.  If you are near southeast Alabama (Dothan), you will want to come to this sale!  It will be a great opportunit

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Has anyone bought tablets that could be checked out? We have several who have a hard time reading either because  of their eyes or holding a book so I was considering buying a couple. How did you handle them


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Many people are not aware that there are some great free Christian media available in hundreds of different languages.  Here is a list with the website link for those who do not know about them:

1) Free Bible in a Thousand Languages - You have to dow

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