Babs Harris and her team are working on a small display in the adult area of their building. Question: When you have display locations away from the library that are not considered satellite location, how do you identify the locations of the items in
One of the North Alabama conference sessions on November 5 is focused on customer service. Why wait until November 5? The way we treat people who use church libraries kinda falls in the circluation category of all that we do. Let's use the following
The breakout session facilitators are collaborating on what they will do during the North Alabama Church Library Conference on November 2. The faclitators are Allison Maynard, Bev League, Carolyn Walker, Marty Woodall, and Morlee Maynard. Patty Easte
Our library team has been conducting inventory of our library. None of us are very familiar with Concourse and the last time inventory was done was before Covid. We have completed the nonfiction, fiction, and DVD items but still have the children's i
How do you approach the inventory task? For our growing number of new librarians joining the CLN, share your inventory tips whether you conduct the inventory manually or with software.
One of our members is searching for a list of recommended books for new believers. If each of us replies with one or two recommendations, we will all see a minimum of 2000 recommendations. We often do not participate in these listings because we don'
The start of a new church year is a great time to initiate or strengthen relationships with church staff ministers and pastors. How are you approaching that this year? Let’s share our stories.
Please remember that these are the surveys that I had access to once they were returned, due to circumstances with people involved. I however wanted to share what I could in hopes that it may help someone here.
We have not grappled with eBooks in awhile. The pastor of one of our new members wants eBooks in the collection. Those of you who have experience with having eBooks in your church’s collection: would you share your recommendations as well as experien
Georgina Businaro recently put together a partical list of books her church's library provides for middle schoolers. Every church library is unique so keep in mind that each of us must use our selection policy to determine what we add to the collecti
We have a new member who is revitalizing a church library. She wants to know what you use as a filing system for your needs. Do you use administration, collection development, promotion, and cataloging as the main categories with sub-categories? Or a
During the July 20, 2024 gathering of the Middle Tennessee Church Library Ministry Network, we agreed we would like to collaborate on developing a list of women authors who write historical fiction. Since everyone is busy, how about just writing a na
I'm attempting to weed our 242 section, primarily devotional books in the calendar format. How does everyone handle this section? With all the ones published each year, do you carry them in your library? How do you weed?
Now is a great time to contact your age group ministers, women’s ministers, men’s ministers, and other ministers to discuss how the church library can assist their plans for the new ministry year. A common question for all of them involves their disc
For many of our church or synagogue families, the Finance Committee has started the process to prepare the budget for the next year. Of course, many other churches start their budget process during other months. Let’s discuss best practices for prepa
I'm interested in learning the best program to use for creating quarterly, bimonthly, or monthly newsletters both digital and print? Pros and cons?Thank you for your help!