


Mount Pleasant, TX


Activity Feed

Almyra W. Johnson replied to Kelly McGregor's discussion Window decor
"We use a multiple of sources, most of which have already been mentioned. We too, usually carry the…"
Feb 26, 2013
Judy Terry replied to Kelly McGregor's discussion Window decor
"Go to your local school supply store for supplies.  If you live in a city which has a college or…"
Feb 26, 2013
Dianne Callender replied to Kelly McGregor's discussion Window decor
"You are on one of the very best websites for decorating ideas.  Check the photos on this site for…"
Jan 4, 2013
Kelly McGregor replied to Kelly McGregor's discussion Window decor
"Hi Bev,
Thank you for responding.  I did go to the website you suggested and have put a bookmark. …"
Dec 30, 2012