Does anyone know of a website that gives examples of themes for church library windows..Themes for all holidays. Websites to buy window decor as well is needed. Thank You.
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We use a multiple of sources, most of which have already been mentioned. We too, usually carry the seasonal themes, supplementing with other promotions, such as Bible School. We offer our window to other groups, women's ministry, children's director, to advertise activities. That gives us a break. Currently, the Children's Minister did the window promoting church emphasis on "orphan ministry". We read twice weekly to our MDO and Preschool classes. They enjoy the windows, so much that on occasion we put steps for them to view it. One of our most successful windows was utilizing a "Penguin Bulletin Board Kit" from our School Supply Store.Our Properties Manager is most creative and connected a running water fountain to the display that was quite an attraction. Any movement, extra lighting, is attention getting. We often use stuffed animals with our themes. We shop the Thrift stores and have quite a menagerie, and pay next to nothing. When you complete a window be sure to take a picture to refer to at a later time. I also recommend getting a bulletin board file box from a School Supply store to organize the storage of materials.If you would be interested in browsing, I have several pictures on my page (Almyra Johnson) and noticed there are lots scrolling on the main page. Glad you posted your question, because I got some good ideas.
Go to your local school supply store for supplies. If you live in a city which has a college or university offering teacher ed. classes, you will have access to all kinds of bulletin board materials and ideas.
As for ideas, feature books, maps, and cutlural items from various countries where your church has missionaries. That will carry you for a while. There's lots of fascinating countries out there :)
You are on one of the very best websites for decorating ideas. Check the photos on this site for themes and ways to carry them out. You can adapt many of them for almost any venue, flat or 3-dimensional--windows, shelves, bulletin boards. Also a good website for bulletin board packages and lettering is <>.
I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for. I have 2 very wide and 3 shelves tall window displays. I generally decorate the windows with the current holiday (i.e. Christmas) I do use the catalog/Website of UpStart, for reading program themes for children. I also suggest going to a church bookstore as they offer nice stand up pieces and general art as well. If you have shelving, a few teddy bears, snowmen, manger, angels, 3 wisemen - are all ideas to help. If really interested in my windows, I can send you some ideas.
Kelly McGregor > Bev EtzelmuellerDecember 30, 2012 15:13
Hi Bev,
Thank you for responding. I did go to the website you suggested and have put a bookmark. After a couple hours of searching on the internet, I found two web sites that helped me out. I will share those links for others to check out.
We use a multiple of sources, most of which have already been mentioned. We too, usually carry the seasonal themes, supplementing with other promotions, such as Bible School. We offer our window to other groups, women's ministry, children's director, to advertise activities. That gives us a break. Currently, the Children's Minister did the window promoting church emphasis on "orphan ministry". We read twice weekly to our MDO and Preschool classes. They enjoy the windows, so much that on occasion we put steps for them to view it. One of our most successful windows was utilizing a "Penguin Bulletin Board Kit" from our School Supply Store.Our Properties Manager is most creative and connected a running water fountain to the display that was quite an attraction. Any movement, extra lighting, is attention getting. We often use stuffed animals with our themes. We shop the Thrift stores and have quite a menagerie, and pay next to nothing. When you complete a window be sure to take a picture to refer to at a later time. I also recommend getting a bulletin board file box from a School Supply store to organize the storage of materials.If you would be interested in browsing, I have several pictures on my page (Almyra Johnson) and noticed there are lots scrolling on the main page. Glad you posted your question, because I got some good ideas.
Go to your local school supply store for supplies. If you live in a city which has a college or university offering teacher ed. classes, you will have access to all kinds of bulletin board materials and ideas.
As for ideas, feature books, maps, and cutlural items from various countries where your church has missionaries. That will carry you for a while. There's lots of fascinating countries out there :)
You are on one of the very best websites for decorating ideas. Check the photos on this site for themes and ways to carry them out. You can adapt many of them for almost any venue, flat or 3-dimensional--windows, shelves, bulletin boards. Also a good website for bulletin board packages and lettering is <>.
I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for. I have 2 very wide and 3 shelves tall window displays. I generally decorate the windows with the current holiday (i.e. Christmas) I do use the catalog/Website of UpStart, for reading program themes for children. I also suggest going to a church bookstore as they offer nice stand up pieces and general art as well. If you have shelving, a few teddy bears, snowmen, manger, angels, 3 wisemen - are all ideas to help. If really interested in my windows, I can send you some ideas.
Hi Bev,
Thank you for responding. I did go to the website you suggested and have put a bookmark. After a couple hours of searching on the internet, I found two web sites that helped me out. I will share those links for others to check out.
1. Themed cut-out classroom display lettering -
2. Pinterest