Church Librarians networking and helping each other with different solutions to different problems.
17 Members

2014 is here! What will we do?

A New Year for all church librarians.  We face many changes and new opportunities to expand our services.  I would like for us to share some of the new things we will be doing this year.  We will be offering training for helping us work together as a group to solve and expand our influence within the media activities of our churches.   Watch this page for dates and times and plan to attend.  We are only going to grow as we understand our challenges.  Looking forward to hearing from you.



Rita Kirkland

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  • I do so hope that many of you will want to receive more training this year.  More news to follow aobut our conferences in October.

  • I have just taken over our church library.  I plan to automate it with the software book collection series.  I got the opticon scanner which should make it easy by scanning the books bar code.  It wwill save me a bunch of time.  I can also print my own scanning labels, but I will have to purchase that from another company. I get it on Friday and will let you all know how it works out.

    What ideas do you all have for a Summer Reading program? I am all ears.

  • We are called the Common Grounds Library.  We are beside the Common Grounds Bookstore and the Common Grounds Coffee Bar.
  • Does anyone call their library by any name other than library?
  • We are looking forward to your being with us.  This will be a great time of fun.  We will have children and parents from all ages thru 6th grade.  We are happy and excited to have you with us.  We do not have an autoharp either.  They got thrown away during all the technology revisions.  So sad.



  • That sounds like a fun theme.  Keep us posted as you progreass with it. 


  • Our VBS theme was changed to Panda-Mania and I am excited because it is much easier to work with for our Summer Reading Club 2011. Found a display of a Panda wearing a medal and holding a book. The head is cut-off so we can take pictures of the kids with their head. We did this last year and it was huge success. Their pictures were put on the powerpoint along with announcements....and they were thrilled to see their pictures there.
  • Oh Yes, Maxine.  I am working on a Tuesday time for you to come this summer for our Terrific Tuesdays.  We think the children would be over the moon.  We will get together and make some plans.  Love you, Rita
  • What an exciting time.  We are blessed to have CD's, DVD's, audio books and sermons on CD.  We just started out one at a time to build ours.  We used Vision Video and LifeWay Christian Bookstores among others.  Many times at our SBTC Library Conventions we take our extra audiovisuals to give away as do many of our sister churches.  This is a good place to get free give-away media.


    Rita Kirkland

  • Hi, and welcome to our group!

    Yes, we are going to do a bookworm theme with the lovely red apples.  The "Big Apple" for New York will tie in so many decorations and we are so excited about all the things we can pull together.  Isn't it fun to hear what others are doing!

    Rita Kirkland

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