


Lutz, FL


Activity Feed

Diane Kennedy replied to Diane Kennedy's discussion Check your Calendars! in Florida Church Librarians
"We look forward to meeting you Juliana!"
Mar 25, 2011
Juliana Walker replied to Diane Kennedy's discussion Check your Calendars! in Florida Church Librarians
"I am looking forward to this event! I am from Main Street Baptist Church and I didn't know that…"
Mar 25, 2011
Marty Woodall replied to Diane Kennedy's discussion Check your Calendars! in Florida Church Librarians
"I would love to attend but will have to see what my schedule looks like as we get closer to that…"
Mar 7, 2011
Diane Kennedy replied to Diane Kennedy's discussion Check your Calendars! in Florida Church Librarians
"Idlewild is in the north Tampa area called Lutz. We hope you can come and if not we would love to…"
Mar 7, 2011