


Frankfort, KY


Activity Feed

Pamela Mock replied to Janice Devers's discussion ebook consortiums in KY? in KENTUCKY CHURCH LIBRARIANS
"I would be interested in the possibility of an ebook consortium. I haven't seen any recent material…"
Nov 6, 2017
Janice Devers replied to Jenn Burwell's discussion Adult coloring books
"Is your intent to circulate and allow library customers to color a limited or unlimited number of …"
Oct 4, 2016
Janice Devers replied to Lynda Morrison's discussion Titles/authors for pre-teen reader with advanced reading skills
"How about the Anne of Green Gables series, Little Women, Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit and Lord…"
Oct 1, 2016
Sandra Fitts replied to Janice Devers's discussion Need Suggestions for Preschool Story Hour
"Our church has a preschool program with classes for children 3 years old, 4 years old, and 5 years…"
Jan 26, 2015