Hi Everyone!!
The Middle Tennessee Church Librarians Ministry Network had a fun learning experience Saturday at Woodmont Baptist Church Nashville! Kudos to Cookie Schauman and Linda Hunt for hosting us. Our group of 13 enjoyed refreshments, conversations, a tour of their library and archive, and discussion topics of interest. You will find new CLN discussion topics today that we started during this gathering. Our next gathering is July 20 at Crievewood Baptist Church Nashville hosted by Pat Brown, Kacy Darnell, Melissa Lanz, and Martha Schiffman.
The next event on the Church Librarians Network Event tab is May 3-4 in Colonial Heights, VA. You are encouraged to register! Click here for details and registration.
Many of us who are Southern Baptists remember and celebrate the ministry of Barbara Freese. She was a long-time Church Library Ministry Consultant with the Church Library Department, Baptist Sunday School Board. Click here to read her obituary.
New: Promotion Ideas to Get More Library Users
We had a dynamic list of promotion ideas by the time we moved on to our next topic on Saturday. Share your ideas here.
New: Building a Library with Zero Budget
During the gathering Saturday, we shared lots of great ideas. Please share your suggestions here.
New: Crucial Ideas for a New Library
One of our new Church Librarians Network members lives in the Nashville area. She and her pastor are seriously talking about a vision for revitalizing the library in their church. She came to our Middle Tennessee librarians gathering this past Saturday. She shared what they are doing and asked the rest of us for our input. She could not write fast enough! What are your suggestions? Something interesting happened to our group while we made suggestions Saturday. The rest of our group that day serve church libraries that are many years old. We all got ideas from this discussion for us to consider for our “older” libraries.
Atruum Card Image Question
Barbara Rodgers responded to Shirley’s question. What would you add? Click here.
Brochures and Flyers
Lee Smith and David Haskins posted their brochures. Add your brochure to the conversation by putting your cursor on the icon with an up arrow (file) above the reply space. Click here.
Training Events
If you are hosting a training event, let me know how I can help you post your information on our Events tab.
What is a topic you wish we would grapple with on the CLN? Post the topics here. I will start a separate discussion starter for each one according to the appropriate tab.
To add a post to any of our pages, follow these steps:
- Click on the tab you want to add a post.
- Click on the red box below the tabs to the right of the page to open a form to fill out for your post.
- When you complete the form, click on Save and Publish.
- If you see a need to edit your post, click on the red box with a pen to the right side of your screen.
May God bless your ministry this week! To those of you who serve synagogue libraries, Happy Passover!
Morlee Maynard, Facilitator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com