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Looking forward!
My New Years goal includes 2 things:
1. To better communicate about the Library Ministry with congregation and other Ministry Leaders.I'm looking for Ideas for church library newsletters or other communication tools. What methodology are you using to communicate Library updates, reading challenges, newly catalogued additions, etc to congregation? I have seen some use Facebook pages as the communication tool. Some may type up and print newsletter as handouts, some may put an update on their church website. I index and catalogue all my resources using LibraryThiing/TinyCat on line program I subscribe to. I'm not fully versed on all it can do as it can formulate reports that I perhaps could also use as a "vehicle" for communication.
2. My other goal is for the library to be seen as not just a place to store books but a vibrant resource centre containing tools to help with personal spiritual growth, discipleship, evangelism and as a support to aid other ministries (Ladies and Men's prayer groups, Sunday School, Youth and Young Adult groups. Senior Groups, Men training to preach, etc. . I'd appreciate ideas others have used to further advance the Library as being seen as a vital "ministry" integrated with and supporting all the other ministries, Pastors etc. It is to a degree but still much could be improved.
Thank you
Kindly Cheryl Subject, Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist, Kincardine, Ontario Canada
Janet Estridge asked: How do I post a comment for someone to answer?
Email me if you need further help: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com