All Discussions (852)

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library software

Can anyone recommend and comment on free and easy library software programs?  I have about 1300 titles, print and media.  I use general subject heads, not Dewey.  My catalog and periodical databases are on excel spreadsheets. Circulation is by card a

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21 Replies
Views: 180

2013 summer media club

Anyone have ideas how to execute inexpensive summer program decor complimenting VBS theme?  "Colossal Coaster World" has not sparked my imaginzation yet since as don't have access to an easily constructed roler coaster to fit our space. 

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Views: 4

New Church Library – Help

Our widows group has been given the privilege of beginning a library in our church.  There was a very old library that was seldom used with only outdated materials.  We are beginning from the ground up.  


First, we are interested in having the church

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Views: 3

Automated library cost?

HI Everyone,

We are analyzing our current automated library system and I'm wondering how comparable the price is to others out there.  Could you let me know (only if you have an automated system of course) what system you use and how much it costs yea

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Views: 6

Circulation Report

I don't have a program for my church library. I'm thinking I need to set up an excel sheet to keep track of circulation information.  Any suggestions for headings or information I need to keep on a monthly basis?

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12 Replies
Views: 8