We have a growing collection of DVDs that come with study/discussion guides, which are either a book/booklet or PDF documents on the disc itself for printing out. Small group leaders and individuals check them out for study.
We put mixed media in a zip-lock bag. You can purchase these thru Brodart (or any other library supply store). Brodart also has a see-thru box that we use for teacher kits as well as kids "creation" kits (books, CDs, DVDs on a particular aspect of
If there is a complete set of commentaries on the Bible, should the classification 220.7 be used for each book? If commentaries are individual books on an old testament book or two, should they be classified as 221.7?
Because circulation is low (I've not done much the past year due to cancer treatments) the deacons want to get rid of the library computer and desk and put in easy chairs and sofas so folks can sit and relax. It's a new library in a new church buildi
I'm looking for a good site to review books for my church's library. Most of the ones listed as "Christian" don't seem to have a true Christian perspective. The best one I've found so far is thrivingfamily.com (Focus on the Family) It gives a goo
A grandmother approached me last Sunday about resources regarding her 13 year old granddaughter. She met a boy at a water park and they have been texting each other. Boy is 15 and lives in another city. He has been pressuring the young girl to send
We have a WONDERFUL library facility that has been badly neglected for years. A group of us are attempting to organize it. There are groups of old charge cards from media that has been lost for years. Is it necessary to keep these cards? And, if
If the book "A Classification System for Church Libraries" is no longer available from Lifeway or any other source (i.e. is out of print), is it permissable to copy it? -- Cheryl Swain--
Well, i have a BIG QUESTION about WEBOPAC and security. i have a trial version of webopac installed so that those staff within the church can get onto it. HOWEVER, our IT guys are not enthusiastic about having my computer left on all the time, an
The Church Librarians Network is among many social networking options. Others include FaceBook and LinkedIn. Why do you think we need to know about these options for our library ministries as well as our personal use?
I was asked to lead a roundtable discussion on patron/data driven acquisitions. in order to prepare, i thought it would be helpful to gather questions and opinions. anyone want to share?
Help! I need encouragement. We have over 3000 non-fiction books in our library and only about 200 of them have ever been checked out since the beginning of our library. I know they need to go but I am afraid of the huge gap it will leave on the sh
Can anyone recommend books on aging? I had a female patron ask for some books on aging - as in how to handle all the changes that come with it and she said some humor in the book would help.