I'm planning a churchwide reading challenge, along the lines of seeing how quickly our large church can read a certain number of books. Sunday attendance runs 1,000 including all ages so I'm wondering if 10,000 books is a good goal. Has anyone trie
Our church library had a several thousand dollar/year budget - including about 1,000 for collections plus costs of hourly staffing, 12h/week, but our board has decided to eliminate my position and all expenditures.
Does anyone have any good suggestions for getting Youth involved in using our library? We have such good, current books for that age group but I fear the age of social media and electronic devices has taken over their interest in reading a mere boo
Thank you for accepting me as a member of the Church Librarians Network. I have recently been approached by the elders at my local church to do a "feasibility " study on beginning a church library. Although I have some Library Science background, i
Does anyone know of a website that gives examples of themes for church library windows..Themes for all holidays. Websites to buy window decor as well is needed. Thank You.
We get a lot of good donations of fiction for women since most of our fiction readers are women. I'd like to get some new fiction for men, but what do they like?
I have been a volunteer at the public library off and on for several years. I am familiar with library work. I have just been elected Church Librarian. The previous librarian has it in her blood--Jr High lib for 30 years and church lib
I have a patron who has a lost book which she has paid for, but in spite of rebuilding indexes, and all of that- it is still there. How do I remove an item from a patron's record?
I currently have Concourse and am considering going to web based. I would like some feedback regarding your experience with Concourse, Atruim or other package. Looking for the pros and cons of each.
Looking for ideas on a SIMPLE summer reading club lasting about 5 weeks for Pre-6th grade. We've done them in years past, but with the computerization of library and lack of personnel to take it on have let it lapse. Any ideas or articles are welc
When attempting to import MARC records to Concourse today I noticed that our setting got messed up. The "Add to Concourse" option in the menu i ghosted out and now "Add to Atrium" shows up. We do not have Atrium. I have no idea how it got changed and
We have several CD sets that are teaching CD's and not music. They do not belong to kits. (Ex: "Choose Joy" by Kay Warren, "Men's Fraternity" by Robert Lewis.) How should they be classified? Thanks for any help
I saw a video on this website some time ago. Books were flying all over the place and having a good time. Then they put themselves all back in order on the shelves. Very cool! I would like to see it again. Do you know where I can?