There is a great biblically-based manga/anime series out that was published in Japan. It has such titles as Manga Messiah and Manga Metamorphosis. Anyone who has been to a local library recently knows that manga has become quite popular among kids
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I ran across a book yesterday that was 118 years old! "The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures" by John Urquhart. There is a stamp in it with the name S. A. Duggan and address from Leyton, (London, England) He also signed and dated it "1
If you have patrons who own a Kindle and subscribe to Amazon Prime, there's a huge selection of "free" (free to Kindle/Prime members) Christian ebooks that can be borrowed from the Kindle Lending Library.
See my blog post showing how to find the "f
To encourage people to come through the library Easter Sunday morning as well as celebrate our first anniversary of being reopened we set up a display with "He Is Risen". We gave away book marks with scripture about the stone being rolled away. We al
The end is in sight! Check out part 3 of the survey series! (and don't forget to fill out the mini survey on the left sidebar)
Did you enjoy part 1? You can check out part 2 to this series here!
What do you think of the LIBRARY here at SCBC? Do you think of it as room with a bunch of shelving with books on them? Is it possible that the LIBRARY here is really much more than that? Those of us that are involved in the library know that it is mu
Have you ever created a survey for your church library? If so - I'm all ears! In preparation to creating one myself, I've done some research. You can read part 1 here!
Peggy Krause sent in this great idea!
Like Davis Bunn fiction? Here's a new review of his novel, Hidden in Dreams!
Has this ever happened to you?
I recently discovered that I don't have nearly enough book geared towards single people in our church library. You can read more about it here!
My sister, Diane Moody, has just released her newest book. Must admit, I almost read it in one sitting which is unusual for me. Could not put it down! Great historical fiction that tells the story of a little known part of WWII. As you will see on th
In my wanderings in the web I came across a blog by photographer Steve McCurry that I found to be an interesting combination of great photographs with quotations that relate to readers.
We have grown in our library ministry from 8 women to 12 this year! We now have 4 teams of two library assistants each to run our library on Sunday mornings, (one team for each week of the month) plus a team of 2 for the 5th Sunday every third month.
I just recently discovered T. L. Higley. When I went to her web site, I found that she has some interesting offers. Go to , then to "connect" and then click on "Great Book giveaway".
We have recently discovered that many of our "JF" books are in the Accelerated Reader Program in the elementary schools. We are promoting this with our church family which will help increase circulation in addition to giving the public school childr
A long-time friend of mine from my seminary days has just published an excellent new Bible study tool, Jeanette Ford. As the title indicates, Jeanette is an archivist who served with the National Archives in the 1970s and 80s. This new tool arranges
One of our heroes in church library ministry has written a devotional book--Keith Mee. Sometimes we don't consider devotional books for our libraries but I encourage you to consider this one. Keith has done an excellent job with these thoughtful Bibl
Fort Worth, TX - July 29, 2012 - “Since my eyesight has gotten so bad, I had quit coming to the library,” commented a senior adult to the library staffer at Wedgwood Baptist Church. She was one of the first to sign up for the library’s new eBook chec