Would you share your stories about VBS this year? How did your library participate? Any pictures? You can add pictures here or go to Photos. Let's share ideas as we get ready for next year!
All Posts (164)
Hello. I'm a member of St. John's Episcoapal Church, Charleston, WV; we have a 'library' consisting of some rather dusty, musty books which hardly anyone ever reads. Our new pastor wants to change this. Because I have an MLS, I've been asked to
Karen Jones
Maxine Bersch, one of our long time members, just released a new book!! Check it out by clicking on the cover!! Congratulations, Mackie!!
In the Library Ministry, as in every part of life, there are periods of "feast or famine" and of "discouragement or elation." Our best advice is to pray, wait, and listen for God's guidance!
Since February 1943, when the first books were recorded in
At our church we're doing a Reading Challenge for adults - we're handing out bookmarks with sixteen categories of books, and participants have from Jan. 31-March 6 to read as many as they can (or want to! it's supposed to be fun, not pressure). We wi
We would love to hear about your church's library ministry highlights! Follow the prompts and share your stories. While you share about 2015, be sure to share your plans for 2016.
What are your thoughts about these research findings by the Barna Group?
Donna Duncan from First Baptist Church of Arkadelphia recently joined the CLN. She shared their need to develop a vision statement that will help them serve their 21st Century church. One of our realizations in recent years has been the importance of
Our Summer Reading program has come to an end and I thought I'd give you an update on how it went.
Overall, we were very happy with how it went. Not all of the 75 people who signed up actually participated, but this was probably a good thing, as we
I found the 10th post at
Rose Newcomb, First Baptist Church, Cami, IL sent in the following:
The LibraryThing is adding an OPAC feature for small libraries. Check the announcement at:
We played on the VBS theme used maps to decorate the idea being that they read out of each 'group' (fiction, 100s, 200s,...) with a round prize for each (glo-stick, pencil, ball...) and they put a sticker on a world map for each book Both our regula
We developed a summer reading program we're calling Berean's (name of our church) Book Bingo.
We have three groups - Beginner (3-gr. 2), Intermediate (gr. 3-6) and Teen (gr. 6-12). I made a different Bingo card for each group; the first two have 25
Our church has over 300 pre-schoolers and Mother's Day Out children enrolled in its weekly programs. A great percentage are non church members. Our Media Center schedules these classes twice weekly for story time. At the New Parents meeting each fall
I just came across a website that when I saw it I wanted to jump up and down, scream and shout, you get the idea.
The website is :
A Complete list of all Books in Series Order.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
The Library Thing now support lending aka circulation.
If you have a school library or a kids' section in your church library, please do not assume that this year's winning Caldecott book is appropriate for your collection. Although it has won various awards, the content has language and content issues t