Old Book

I ran across a book yesterday that was 118 years old!  "The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures" by John Urquhart. There is a stamp in it with the name S. A. Duggan and address from Leyton, (London, England) He also signed and dated it "1/5/95" (May 1st, 1895) That was 1 month after John Urquhart wrote the preface.

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  • Hi Kevin,  

    The book you refer to is on the Internet Archive two times.

    Search Results
    Results: 1 through 2 of 2 (0.147 secs)
    You searched for: (John Urquhart) AND title:(The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures)


    Internet Archive Search: (John Urquhart) AND title:(The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Script…
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