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  • At our library, We continued to make improvements to the space friend and I have been overseeing the library for three years now and it is very much a work in progress. We added some taller bookcases, giving us more shelf space. Our Book Bingo summer reading program was a resounding success - during that seven-week time period, circulation went from averaging around 200 items out to an average of 400, and kids read books in various categories they hadn't considered before. We began putting subject labels (mystery, historical fiction, etc) on our adult fiction books. We had two sales, where donations and discards are offered to the members of the congregation (we don't price them; we just ask for donations) and the money is then used to buy new books.
    For 2016, we are currently working on an adult reading challenge that will run from February 6-March 7. Participants will receive a bookmark which has 16 categories of books on it, and will read a book for as many of them as they want/are able to fit in. We will give coupons to all who sign up, and probably gift cards to those who read the most. We've never done this before so we're kind of planning as we go.
  • Susan! Great news!! Congratulations to you too!!

  • Our Library is reopening in January after almost 2 years of being closed.  I started in November getting ready for our opening next week and I am so excited.  Not all of the books are cataloged as they did not all transfer from the old system and due to another glitch in communication between the new system and the label printer, I couldn't fix that.  However, I did get the duplicates pulled and the shelves somewhat organized so the library looks great! More importantly, even with the glitches, there are still many items available for check out and others can be entered into the system on an as needed basis until they are all done.

  • Congratulations, Sharin!! FANTASTIC!!

  • 2015 Was the first year that circulation numbers were tracked.  I estimate that 2014 (before I took over the library) there were less than 50 books checked out.  This year we've had almost 500 check-outs!  I am so excited about that number.  I can't wait to share this info in our next church newsletter.  I'm going to have a "State of the Library" address!

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