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The Struggle for Love: The Story of Leah

From the very first page, I absolutely fell in love with this brand new novel by Marilyn T. Parker. I'll be honest - biblical fiction isn't my favorite genre, but the author immediately transported me to the world of ancient Israel to witness the bit

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Religion of Tomorrow

I've just started to read Wilber's book: Religion of tomorrow

 This is a book of 2017- not sure how I missed it. Back around 1988, I had discussions with two ministers, from different traditions, researching biblical works in the East; they both said

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What I'm reading today

I just finished one yesterday that was donated titled Zipporah Wife of Moses had hope in the begining but I'm afraid it's for the rubbish bin. Getting ready to start Blood from a Stone it's book 5 in series about a time traveling cop named Rembrant S

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Patricia Bradley books

I am hooked on Patricia Bradley books! I just finished the 3rd book in the Logan Point series and can't wait to get the last one! Paperback Shadows of the Past : A Novel Book This is the first book in this series. Check her out, she's a Mississippi author too!!

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Politically Homeless Christian

I'm currently reading The Politically Homeless Christian: How to Conquer Political Idolatry, Reject Polarization, and Recommit to God's Greatest Two Commandments by Aaron Schafer.

The work has many good ideas in dealing with the other side, whichever

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The Uncharted Series



I just finished reading Keeley Brooke Keith's  "Uncharted Beginnnings" and "Uncharted" series. These are all available in large print whic is a plus for us since we have many readers who need large print. The books are about people who left the US i

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Great Book

The book's title is Saving Eric by Joan Deneve. It was written by a sweet lady that teaches at a private christian school in Millbrook, Al. about 15 min. from my home. It may not have changed my life personally but it is the first book I recommend to

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The Space Trilogy, CS Lewis

This is science fiction by CS Lewis. I'm enjoying it right now because I'm fairly new at running the church library and I've decided I need to get smart on the classics first. (Side bar: has anyone NOT read the Narnia books?)

I'm currently on Prelandr

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Hi everyone! Long-time reader, first-time poster. ;) 

I thought you might enjoy checking out my new novel, Sweeter. It's an inspirational novel, but a large part of the setting is within a church community, which I hope readers will find fun.


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Night Comes Swiftly by P. B. Wilson

About a year ago we were dealing with our space problem (lack of) and reluctantly began to weed the fiction section.  The rest of the library was fairly easy, but since I LOVEChristian fiction, this became a chore.  Several books were easy, some very

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