Hi Everyone!
Another very busy week for the Church Librarians Network!
One of our new members, Kathi Cook, shared 3 needs as she joined the Church Librarians Network that she and her team have right now. These are common needs among us so let’s revisit them with today’s environment.
Favorite Sources to Purchase Books & DVDs
Dependable Sources to Help us Select Books and DVDs for Our Churches
Revitalizing a Church Library from Judy Bawks
Pre-teen Books request titles and sources from Babs Harris
Inventory –What’s First? from Babs Harris
Authors of Color for Church Libraries from Marie Terwilliger
Library Conferences
Mark your calendars and register for the March events. Click here. We have 3 March events: Central Alabama, Portland, OR, and Richmond, VA. Plus May in middle Tennessee and June in Olympia, Washington.
Church Librarians Network Future Topics?
What is a topic you wish we would grapple with on the CLN? Post the topics here. I will start a separate discussion starter for each one according to the appropriate tab.
To add a post to any of our pages, follow these steps:
- Click on the tab you want to add a post.
- Click on the red box below the tabs to the right of the page to open a form to fill out for your post.
- When you complete the form, click on Save and Publish.
- If you see a need to edit your post, click on the red box with a pen to the right side of your screen.
May God bless your ministry this week,
Morlee Maynard, Facilitator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com