Even though we have had this discussion in previous years, let's start a new list of dependable sources to help with selection. Chances are what we listed a few years ago may no longer be available. AND new sources are worth our consideration. 

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  • My use of sources is somewhat haphazard, but one thing I ALWAYS do is to read the one-star and two-star reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads.  I often find this to be the most helpful way to determine if a book will be a good choice for our library or not.  Reading WHY someone disliked a book helps us far more than what they liked about it!  I do this for my own personal reading as well, for the same reason.

  • In addition to using the finalists & winners of The Christy Award, I heavily rely on a Facebook group, Avid Readers of Christian Fiction, for suggestions on what to add to our Adult collection because it's impossible to preview/read everything beforehand. There are a few other groups that I've joined but I have yet to find myself utilizing them like I am the ARoCF group. The Children/Juvenile/Youth sections of our collection also contain "Good Reads" so I use the books nominated for the Triple Crown Awards as a trusted resource. As I've posted previously, I'm happy to share my award spreadsheets with anyone in need. Just email me, Library@Southcrest.org and I'll be glad to share.

    Jeana Voss

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