At the moment, we don't have any periodicals in our collection. Any suggestions as to which ones I should subscribe to? Also, how do you store them? check out? We have a small church, but I would like to have some periodicals available.
Thanks so much
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We don't have any, pretty much on purpose, but if I were going to have any, I'd consider:
World Magazine
Christianity Today
Christian History Magazine
the ones from Focus on the Family, if they are still publishing them - Plugged In was one we used to get.
I would suggest Christianity Today which is a broad based periodical. I have the Lutheran Magazine which of course coordinates with our denomination, Biblical Archeology Review and I just subscribed to Touchstone Magazine (have not received first issue yet. Unfortunately there is not a good magazine for Women. I also subscribe to Guideposts, which is a positive thinking publication originated by Norman Vincent Peale. There is a presence of religion in tone, but not real heavy. I have subscribed to Guideposts for over 30 years and have not been disappointed. I get magazine binders from Demco as you simply slide the magazine in the binder with see-through cover. You may check out your public library for ideas how they display their magazines. We display our magazines on a reading table, but any side table works. Good luck.
thanks so much!