Online Story Times?
Share with us if and how your team is doing online story times.
The American Library Association has a great article about such:
Online Story Time & Coronavirus: It’s Fair Use, Folks
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Share with us if and how your team is doing online story times.
The American Library Association has a great article about such:
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Valerie Conner asked me to post the following question for those of you who ship books to other countries:
Best price for shipping books to Hungary?
Read more…Hello all,
My question has to do with Sunday School/Bible study curriculum specifically (not dated materials like quarterlies).
What does your church do with all of these materials? I personally don't believe that every workbook and teacher's gui
Read more…Hello!
I'm so excited to be a part of this group! I was at the conference in Decatur and learned so much!
Does anyone have a PDF of this I could have? Or do I need to buy the book.
Sherall Cornwell
Crawford Baptist Church
Mobile, AL
Read more…Good Morning!
Our Library is looking for for an old-fashioned media cart. The kind that has wheels and two or three shelves. We are willing to pay, and I will travel 100 miles from Mobile to get one.
Thanks in advance,
Read more…Good Afternoon,
I am currently in the process of completing a practicum my MLS and revamping my church's library that has not been used in over 10 year. My biggest problem encountered at the moment is the lack of funds available in the budget to b
Read more…Hey! I need some suggestions. I have recently joined a church and am trying to get the Media Center in order and draw some interest. There is a bulletin board in a hallway I was told I could use. I'm not creative! I would love to do a basic layo
Read more…We have a member who continually returns books that are damaged. Our pastor wants me to put an announcement in the church bulletin to address this matter. Has anyone had to do this? I am at a loss to tactfully say that these books cost money and you
Read more…I am trying to locate a video that involved searching for a library worker,someone new, but does not have to be a rocket scientist. This video was available on CLN several years ago. I've tried searching CLN using different search terms, but none
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We have several members who use the library and are smokers.
I have asthma which is triggered by my allergies. I am highly sensitive to smoke of any kind.
What do you recommend to get rid of smoke odors in books.
I've tried drier sheets in a zip lo
Read more…Hello! My name is Becky Isbell. I recently volunteered, along with two other ladies, to help with the church library. I think it’s become a bit of a forgotten nook of the church, and we’re seeking to revitalize it. I hope that my colleagues will join
Read more…My library is self-service. I'm only there one day a week and after services. So parishioners can check our books, return them, etc. whenever the library is open which is whenever the church is open. The collection is currently on an excel spreads
Read more…Our pastor and church staff considered libraries obsolete and a waste of space. We had over 6,000 books and DVDs. Thee were all given away and the library space changed to a Welcome Center. I kept some of he books and DVDs and still have the library
Read more…Hi Everyone,
First I have some Exciting News!!!!!! My new ministry Conestoga Ministries After School Program a ministry of the Appalachee Baptist Association was chosen as one of the one hundred to receive a Little Free Library Package among a larg
Read more…This is Marilyn Camper, FUMC Livingston Texas. We are working on our Policy & Procedures notebook for our library. Does anyone have a media review policy that they could share? thanks
Read more…Since card catalogs are dinosaurs, what plan is used for patrons to locate materials if the library is open but unstaffed?
Read more…Please help me understand the difference between 213 & 231.765 Dewey Decimal numbers for Creation.
Example: "5 Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation" , by Henry M. Morris III ---- where would you classify this book?
My next primary focus (this
Read more…I'm running out of ideas on where to find books that don't cost "an arm and a leg".
I'd rather not do Amazon if I can help it.
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Before all of this got started I was considering buying some tablets and making them available as we have several people with eye issues I would load the books for them
By setting parental controls up would not have to worry about them browsing not t
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