What does everyone do with their old Bible study books?
Our library has some dating back to the 60’s. Keep or not?
Sent to us from Jearldine Tolson
Read more…Our library has some dating back to the 60’s. Keep or not?
Sent to us from Jearldine Tolson
Read more…Does your church’s library participate in your church’s subscription to RightNow? My church will relaunch our subscription to this ministry on November 1. Our Enrichment Center has a channel where we can recommend media for families, individuals, and
Read more…Hello again,
I had asked about this before and decided that I am going to do a topic classification, no numbers at all.
With that said I am having a bit of trouble on figuring out my topics...
so far I have:
R – Relationships
RM – Marriage
Read more…I am curious where most church librarians buy their supplies such as date due slips, corner protectors, and paperback book covers. Where can I get the best quality at the lowest price? Thanks!
Read more…How are you helping your church capture the current COVID situation in your church family? If you missed it, click here for the article Carpe Diem . . . And Preserve It! by Ken Satterfield.
Read more…How do our church libraries lead people to Christ, spiritual growth, discipleship, the mission field, full-time ministry, healthy families, servanthood, and so on.
How do you see your church’s library leading in carrying out the mission, vision, an
Read more…OCLC released their Realm Test 5 results last week. This link includes results of tests 1-5. Click here.
You will find all 5 test results on this website.
Read more…Nancy Martin sent me a question to post for her. I've given Steve Gateley a heads up so he can reply with his "archivist" hat on today.
Our son Just got married and his wife has a hard back copy of Peter Pan published before 1985. He wants advice to
Read more…Wow, great news about the new Dewey church library classification manual! If we buy it as a pdf, can we print it out to use in our library on workdays, or may we only refer to it onscreen?
Read more…Do any of you have a letter to share about DVDs (not) coming back dirty or damaged? On our registration form, there is a line that adults agree to - that children will not be allowed to touch the DVDs. However, our (brand new) children's DVDs are com
Read more…Barbara Brown asks the following:
I would be interested in a list of 'classic' titles for a church library.
Read more…One area I'm focusing on this year is the Adult Fiction section with some incomplete series and a need for new books. As I update the Adult Fiction series, I believe it beneficial to classify our fiction section differently. That is, in a more specif
Read more…Read more…Hi Friends,
Our library has experienced several years of serious budget cuts. With funds only covering expenses, we have been unable to purchase new books. Our additions have consisted primarily of donated books. With the current COVID controls, a new
Yes, Virginia, "real" men do read books.
We have quite a few men who read books in the church library.
It's easy to find women who write Christian Fiction but where are the men authors?
Other than D. Brown, D. Bunn, J. Cahn, A. Collins, T. Dekker, J.
Read more…Do you shelve copies of your church directories and your church history? What about church photo albums? If so, under what number, or how do catalog them? Do you shelve maybe as Church History or Reference? And if you do do one of these, do you allo
Read more…I have not purchased any ebooks for our library. Our technology/media director would like for me to post sites that have only Christian titles. I'm not sure if such as site exists. I believe limiting searches to Christian fiction on sites like
Read more…Have any of you done a church wide book swap?
If so, how do you get started?
Read more…Hello. I'm a lttle late joining the discussion. In June,our library received permission to do curbside service. We also offered porch drop off for our at-risk members. The library then offered open hours by appointment. With our church slowly opening
Read more…Lindsay Thompson sent us a link to the Realm Project Test 4 Results. Click here to open the site. Notice the focus here seems to be the way we qurantine the items--stacked or laid flat. You will find other links for more information. You can also sig
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