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    • I like the idea of giving away Bible Study guides and study books from small groups -- AND the idea of not cataloguing them. Maybe I should put this into the statement about how we handle given material to our library. 

  • If you are talking about the dated learner guides for small groups, my church recycles those by asking people to put their unmarked guides in a recycle bin in the hallways. These are sent to a mission church. Some people I know prefer the older editions of Bible study books that were used with January Bible Study each year. Has any one checked these out in recent years?
  • I have a follow-on question. Many of our Sunday Schools classes use purchased Bible study books / workbooks. There are often some left over. What happens to these in your church? Do you catalog them into the library? Excuse my vagueness, but this is an area I know little about.
    • Assume these are published books, not dated learner guides (quarterlies). We think of these workbook small group books as "recommendations" for people to purchase their own copies. Now that a lot of our areas no longer have faith-based bookstores, church libraries will become more and more the sources for recommendations of what to purchase.
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