
Sunday Morning Experiences

Yesterday I had an amazing experience with a couple who visited our church for the first time. They were in the Enrichment Center when I got there after Sunday School.  Both were very excited about our library! We had a delightful conversation about the role church libraries have played in their lives. What about your Sunday morning amazing experiences? Let’s share our stories here

New Babies

My brother-in-law found the Cradle Roll letter sent to his parents when he was born. Does your church’s library team connect with parents of new babies in some way? Share here

Valentine Displays

We would love to see your Valentine displays! Post here

Winter and Spring Training Events

The Middle Tennessee Church Librarians Network gathering this past Saturday went very well with 12 librarians participating despite the rain. We will have our 3rd gathering on April 20th

The next event on our Events tab is February 10 in Richmond, VA. 

Marty Woodall continues to update the information for the Central Alabama conference on March 2. 

Let’s Continue these Discussions: 

Book Recommendations during Sermons 

Purging Non-Fiction Books? 

Points System 


What is a topic you wish we would grapple with on the CLN? Post the topics here. I will start a separate discussion starter for each one according to the appropriate tab. 

To add a post to any of our pages, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the tab you want to add a post.
  2. Click on the red box below the tabs to the right of the page to open a form to fill out for your post.
  3. When you complete the form, click on Save and Publish.
  4. If you see a need to edit your post, click on the red box with a pen to the right side of your screen.

May God bless your week,

Morlee Maynard, Facilitator

Church Librarians Network




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