promotion (4)

Sunday School Display

What materials do you pull for a display for the upcoming topics in each Sunday School class?  Do you pick one or two?  Do you try to do all?  I have a medium size church that has most adults in one Bible guide series from Lifeway and another adult g

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Views: 19

Sunday School Display

What materials do you pull for a display for the upcoming topics in each Sunday School class?  Do you pick one or two?  Do you try to do all?  I have a medium size church that has most adults in one Bible guide series from Lifeway and another adult g

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Views: 17

Promotion brainstorming

Recently I met with a church who after surveying their congregation, were left with a feeling of frustration.   Of their ~160 attendees the Sunday of their survey, only 17 responded and 3 of those were from the team!  I had previously scoured this we

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Views: 12