We were busy on the CLN during the past week! Note the following links to discussions we started last week.
Duplicates for Church Libraries Recently Hit by Weather Disasters
If you know of a church that would be interested in these duplicates, click here to help us connect with these churches.
Libraries in Smaller Churches
What are your secrets to providing a library ministry that meets the needs and interests of people in your church? Click here.
Making Disciples for Jesus Christ Each Book at a Time
What does that mean today? How does that work in our churches today? Why is that important for our ministries? Click here to participate in this conversation.
Budget Planning
Many of our CLN members do not have a library budget with the church. Those of you who have succeeded in getting the library on the church budget, how did that happen? Click here.
Reference Books
Lou Gardner has reference books available to those of you who need such. Email her for details through the Church Librarians Network email. Click here if you have questions for Lou or email her through our CLN email.
NOTE: If you have not discovered the CLN email, at the top of the CLN MAIN page, you will see your name to the right on a bar above the CLN Banner. To the left of your name is a link to invite people to join the CLN and to the left of that link is an envelope which links to your messages. Click on the envelope. In the drop box, click on the red plus box. Follow the prompts to write an email to Lougardner. When you get a response from Lou, you will see a number in red on this envelope telling you how many messages you have waiting for you.
Afghanistan Refugees?
How and what can our teams help equip our church and synagogue families to participate in preparations being made now in many of our communities for the arrival of 95,000 refugees? Click here.
May God bless our ministries this week,
Morlee Maynard, Coordinator
Church Librarians Network