Hi Everyone!
The Virginia Church Library Association hosted a successful conference Saturday with 43 participants from 23 different churches representing Baptist, Methodist, and Episcopalian denominations. Perhaps we are seeing the restart of in-person conferences since COVID.
Server for MP4 Format files? Be sure to check this one!
Back on May 17, Joyce and Bryan McCartney posted a great question about what to do with all the recorded sermons. I asked one of our members, Steve Gateley, to answer the question since he works with the Southern Baptist Convention Archive. Steve will surprise all of you with his response and offer. Click here.
Collection Development: Grief, Confusion, and Trust Issues
Let’s continue to identify books and authors who are dealing with the results of what all is happening in our world today. Perhaps you have already started the review process of your church’s library collection for books and DVDs to minister to people during these days. As you find titles, please post them on Let’s Read.
Collection Development: Youth Fiction
Let’s give more time for us to respond to Ruth Groves need to update the youth fiction collection for a growing number of teens in her church family. Any suggestions? Click here.
Collection Development: Christian Fiction Authors Who Engage Spiritual Truth Experiences Among Their Readers
In case you missed all the recommendations last week, take a look. Who are the Christian fiction authors that you find your people can connect spiritual truth in their stories? Click here. Also, read the conference description of Cathy Golhke’s presentation on June 24 in Washington D.C. She nails it! Click here.
Summer Plans?
Let’s keep this conversation going. Summer plans for any age group? Click here.
Summer Training Events
We added one this past week that takes place in Washington D.C. featuring author, Cathy Golhke. Click here.
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Press On!
Morlee Maynard, Coordinator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com