Hi Everyone!
One of our new customers had a fun conversation with a man that works at her grocery store. He shared he was a Viet Nam veteran. She thanked him for his service. Then shared with him that she is currently reading a book series about a veteran's experiences in WWII. He asked for the title and where did she get the book. She told him she checked it out of her church's library. He asked which church. She told him and invited him to use our church library. I love the way church libraries can be an outreach tool for our churches.
Summer Reading Challenges
Debbie DeHart and Mimi W. posted great ideas for the summer! Click here.
Non-Fiction Donations?
We have more responses to this question. Click here.
VBS Displays
When you have a minute, take a picture of your VBS display and post it on the CLN Photos. Click here. Click on the red button with the plus sign to add a photo.
Leadership Transitions
We have new posts to this discussion. Click here.
What is a topic you wish we would grapple with on the CLN? Post the topics here. I will start a separate discussion starter for each one according to the appropriate tab.
To add a post to any of our pages, follow these steps:
- Click on the tab you want to add a post.
- Click on the red box below the tabs to the right of the page to open a form to fill out for your post.
- When you complete the form, click on Save and Publish.
- If you see a need to edit your post, click on the red box with a pen to the right side of your screen.
Morlee Maynard, Facilitator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com