Hi Everyone!
Why Have a Church Library? Flake’s 6th Reason
Let’s continue our discussion starters stemming from the list of reasons found in Arthur Flake and Leona Lavender’s book. Their 6th reason is Church Worker’s Need for Special Books. Let’s start a discussion about all the ways church libraries assist leaders today in all the ministries of our churches. Click here.
If you missed the introduction and the previous posts click: Our Roots.
What are your Christmas Plans for the Library Ministry?
We shared our Fall and Thanksgiving plans so let’s start getting ready for Christmas. Click here.
Discussions continue:
Purchasing Items for the Library
How Do you Select Christian Fiction?
Participation in Your Church’s Fall Festival or Trunk or Treat?
What is a topic you wish we would grapple with on the CLN?
Post the topics here. I will start a separate discussion starter for each one according to the appropriate tab.
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- Click on the tab you want to add a post.
- Click on the red box below the tabs to the right of the page to open a form to fill out for your post.
- When you complete the form, click on Save and Publish.
- If you see a need to edit your post, click on the red box with a pen in the middle that is now on the top right of the page.
Morlee Maynard, Coordinator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com