Would you share your stories about VBS this year? How did your library participate? Any pictures? You can add pictures here or go to Photos. Let's share ideas as we get ready for next year!
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I arranged the following in a format I hope will be helpful in planning and carrying out the library's role in supporting Vacation Bible School. Our church chooses a different theme each year, so we adapt the library's response and our role as needed. Some years have included costumes, reading clubs, and more. This year was all about relationship in the gospel message and being sure it was presented clearly.
SEE PHOTOS below of 2017 Church Library's "Galactic Starveyors" VBS displays.
WHO: Church Library Ministry Team included “specialists” in many areas of work including: storytelling, promotion (print and display), circulation, classification / cataloging of new items, and team leader.
WHAT: To support our church’s effort to host LifeWay's "Galactic Starveyors" themed Vacation Bible School (VBS)
WHERE: First Baptist Church, Natchitoches, Louisiana
WHEN: The week of June 5 – 9, 2017.
Several months prior to VBS: Communicated with ministerial staff regarding theme and how the library could help. Began praying and thinking about how God wanted to use His library for VBS. Read about LifeWay's Galactic Starveyors themed VBS on their website.
Two months prior: Started thinking about promotion plan. We learned what the emphasis would be for each day of the week. The storyteller began selecting stories. We began praying during our lunch on Wednesdays for the upcoming VBS.
Four weeks prior: Developed promotion plan. Ordered VBS themed materials including blank signage (which we lettered and laminated for each daily emphasis), themed cardboard photo frames (we printed the daily Bible verse and displayed that in the frames), themed bookmarkers (used as giveaways), and one set of the themed inflatable stars (for display). Ordered topical media resources, collected needed display materials, and began pulling resources from our collection for both students and teachers. The storyteller began decorating the children’s library (one small room off the back of the main library).
Two weeks prior: Lettered and laminated signage, put up displays in the main library. We did this a couple of weeks prior to the launch of VBS to give teachers plenty of time to see what we had available.
During VBS: Remained open all week, provided daily story time, welcomed browsers, assisted teachers in locating items, gave out bookmarkers, answered many questions, and circulated media.
After VBS: Did not immediately take down displays this year. Rather, added a couple of signs in front of the displays (on white paper to contrast with the many colors in the displays) to encourage parents to follow-up on what their children had learned at VBS by checking out the resources on display. (That decision was a BIG hit with the librarians who were too tired from working hard all week to take it all down right away.) Some of the resources were checked out after VBS. There was no trace of VBS left on display in the library two weeks after VBS.
WHY: To provide quality, relevant Christian resources to students, parents, and teachers. In an effort to be intentional in supporting all our church’s ministries, especially in this year’s VBS which had a very well-presented gospel emphasis.
HOW: We chose to carry forth the blue and silver color scheme from LifeWay’s "Galactic Starveyors" materials. We gathered blue backdrop material. This year, we chose to divide the resources to be displayed into the 5-days emphasized by the curriculum. We used our 3 display windows and 2 forward facing shelves for the children's 5 different emphasis days. We gathered and displayed teacher’s resources on a separate shelf. We used our round table to feature follow-up resources.
BOTTOM LINE: Over 40 children indicated they were either ready to become a Christian or wanted to know more about becoming a Christian at our Vacation Bible School. Adults (teachers and ministers) are now following up with each child and their families. The church library had resources to help both groups of children and those who are not ready, yet.