Here are some photos of the tri-folds I mentioned in the conversation about classification. We have several more of different genres each in a different color and some authors that are prolific have their own There were a couple reasons behind making them all different colors one colors attract attention so people are more likely to walk over and pick one up and two I can walk past the display and see -'Oh only have one lavender one left' so know need to put out more Karen Kingsbury. By placing them in different places on the church campus it helps raise awareness that there is a church library and that we have more than old Sunday School literature
Basic format the same so only needed to create one template type in authors/book titles and creating gaps with tab/enter where wanted to put clip art
Some of the clip art was found online -audio books/clip art/free and some I created myself If you are not tatented when it comes to art ask around or consider asking the person who helps design sets if your church does dramas/cantatas.