Let's continue our reflection on Dr. Stauffer's list of predictions. Here's Number 5:
"A newfound appreciation for in-person fellowship, worship and singing will continue to emerge. After months of being apart and looking at a TV or computer screen, Christians are more than ready to see each other in person and embrace. This process will evolve slowly as more and more people receive the vaccination."
In what ways do you see church libraries picking up on a "newfound appreciation for in-person fellowship, worship, and singing"?
I think a lot depends on what you did during the shut downs and how long that lasted for your area. Our church office never closed and therefore the library didn't either. I was in contact with parents who were looking for books to 'flesh'out the online learning some came by some we delivered. Also stayed in touch with seniors and shut-ins there too some picked up and some delivered
Best thing that came out of all of this is that after nearly 2 years of being computerized we managed to get our card catalog online last month