Christian fiction recommendations

While we have a substantial number of non-fiction volumes. I am convinced that what will draw adults to our library is an excellent selection of Christian fiction books. We do have the Jan Karon series and about 50 other titles, but I am looking for some really excellent must-have choices to include. If I head to Barnes and Noble I find an extensive number of books from which to choose, but I really would appreciate anyone's suggestions.......

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  • Dont' forget fiction writers Robert Whitlowl, Randy Singer, and Craig Parshall.  They all write legal fiction.


  • And I am convinced that you are right, so in order to entice your readers to get in where the water is deep enough to swim, you could just casually park a book truck with a sign, "New Non Fiction" and place there your latest in the gardening, homemaking, cookbooks, health, parenting, marriage, divorce, prayer,(and all the newer in the inspirational type of Bible Character studies, you will find your best selections at one of the Christian book stores, especially Lifeway! The last time I shopped there I requested a chair so I could just sit down there and pick everything within reach and look at it, then moved the chair! That's what you do when you are 91! But I say that just to show you that even if I were younger I could not get through all of the selections at the average store. Of course, the main line publishers are now mining for the gold in this field, so I am seeing more and more of them shown in my Christian Writer's Guide, but those are also available at your Christian book store, for they have Books in Print and they will order anything you want and if you take a letter from your church for your tax exemption, this may well entitle you to a discount. It will not be what Lifeway offers however, and most Lifeway stores have a special Church Library Day when they offer a huge discount for that one day! Wow!Mackie
  • Dee Henderson's O'Malley series; Irene Hannon's Heroes of Quantico
  • Don't forget The Screwtape Letters (a must-read for any Christian in my opinion) and the Space Trilogy books by C.S. Lewis. Brock and Bodi Thoene have a lot of historical fiction series re: Israel - you might want to buy the newest series, the A.D. Chronicles.
  • Thank you, Joanne. I do like the idea of "advertising" and, in fact, we have had some donations already. Our pastor, who retired recently, left us quite a collection as well and we are still reeling trying to sort and categorize, etc.
  • Keith,

    You might also put out a clipboard & pen for a "Fiction Wishlist" and begin asking your own library users to recommend their favorite authors. You might even get donations of what you want from readers who are ready to pass them along.

    Since books are expensive, and series much more so, perhaps the church would allow you to "advertise" in the bulletin or on the website a request for donations of "complete series of fiction books by your favorite Christian authors." You will probably get boxes of them and mostly complete series - you may need to just order less expensive used copies for missing titles from a used book vendor on Amazon, etc., especially if they're no longer in print. It won't matter if they're not brand new since the others that were donated probably weren't in brand new condition either. I would recommend just adding the series that are newer (copyright date 15 years or newer?) and in good enough condition to justify the time needed for cataloging, processing, and shelf space. If they are older, tattered, foxed (brown around the page edges) or brown all the way through, you don't want them. Be sure your donation policy specifies that all donations are subject to your selection guidelines and the final decision to add them (or not) to the library collection is up to the librarian and/or library committee (or team).

    We shelve our newer series and individual titles on our shelving from the waist up. On our lower shelving (which was formerly cabinet space - we removed the doors and adjusted the shelves) we put our older series. This keeps our shelves at eye level looking fresher and we just remind patrons that older series are stored lower. If we have them for several years without much interest, we move them out as a group. If you have available space, you might want all your series sets together, on one wall, etc. Hope these ideas have been helpful.
  • Thank you for your suggestions ! I am searching through them for books. Our committee just kind of blanked on recommendations. They are fine with whatever I select, but didn't have many ideas, so these are wonderful...
  • The suggestions from Morlee and Lynda are great. I would add Robin Jones Gunn (she has books for adults and teens), Lori Copeland, Tracie Peterson, Michael Phillips, Lynn Austen, Beverly Lewis, Kristen Heitzmann, Ted Dekker, Randy Alcorn, Don Brown (not Dan) and the list goes on and on. I'm sure I have missed someone's favorite author, but there are so many from which to choose. As you probably have learned, many ladies enjoy series, so be sure you purchase them in the right sequence! The authors mentioned by Lynda and those I have mentioned are all Christian authors, write with Christian values in mind and in almost all cases present the gospel in some way in their writings. And, as Morlee said, the mediagraphies in the archived articles will give you ideas for media in all age groups and topics! Have fun!
  • I agree with Morlee. I love going to Lifeway Bookstore and browsing the shelves. Karen Kingsbury is extremely popular as are Terri Blackstock, Robert Whitlow, and Francine Rivers. Our Christian fiction has the most circulation in our library.
  • Hi Keith!

    Great question! I encourage you to go to In our archive of articles we have numerous mediagraphies that will interest you. Click on Subject Index then click on mediagraphies. THANKS!
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