Carolyn J. Walker's Posts (2)

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Night Comes Swiftly by P. B. Wilson

About a year ago we were dealing with our space problem (lack of) and reluctantly began to weed the fiction section.  The rest of the library was fairly easy, but since I LOVEChristian fiction, this became a chore.  Several books were easy, some very hard, some I had questions about what to do.  This book was one of the ones I chose to take home and read.  I AM SO GLAD I DID.  A carefree childhood is shattered forever when Meredith overhears her father's plans to sell Tilly, their slave and her friend.  She defies her father and the Southern way of life when she helps Tilly and her mother set out on their perilous road to freedom.  I really think every white person and every African American person should read this book.  It brought me to tears.  I realized it hadn't been circulated for many years, and started putting it in people's hands.  Their responses were like mine.  I mailed it to my niece and she said she read it entirely one Sunday afternoon.  There is a response at Amazon that said she read it two times and would read it again.  Another said it was one of the best Christian fiction ever.  One said it was heartwarming and could not put it down, a true page turner.  It is not a new book but is still available on Amazon.  Many times the best promotion is a satisfied customer putting the book or movie in the hands of another and telling them they cannot pass up this wonderful read/movie, etc.

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I read her new release on my recent trip to Gainesville, FL for their library conference. I had heard Terri interviewed about her book on the Moody network. Chris Fabry did the interview so that made it even more special. This book is based somewhat on the intervention Terri and her family had to do for their daughter so she knows what it is like to go through this horrible time. The funny part for me was the place that the murder took place....the Atlanta airport. I was in that airport twice flying to and from Gainesville, so that was a little unnerving! I wasn't in the parking garage! Chris asked Terri where she got the ideas for "her murders" and she said whenever she was at a place she would wonder "if a murder took place here, how would it happen, and who would do it?". Thought that was so cute.Carolyn Walker

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