Central Alabama Spring 2023 Conference
Central Alabama Spring Conference March 4 Shoal Creek Baptist Church, Deatsville, Alabama Check-In 8:00 AMConference: 8:30AM-3:30 PMCheck-in and opening session in Fellowship Hall-entrance from main parking lot. Schedule Article Information Reservations RequiredDEADLINE for reservations Wednesday March 1 stThe only cost will be a $10.00 charge for lunchYou will pay for the lunch when you arrive to check-inFor more information and to register online go: Alsbom.orgOr contact:Marty Woodall…
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I plan on attending the Sept. 17th meeting (Lord willing) and will bring 2-3 of my workers with me. We look forward to sharing time. Do I need to bring any "tools" such as Dewey etc.?
unfortunately, I won't be able to work that out. Shocco begins on the next Mon. and I always leave on Sun. Afternoon to set up my classes and displays. Let me know the date for the spring event.
Hi everyone,
Hope you can make plans to attend the Annual Library Workshop at Shocco Springs Conference Center in Talladega, Al. Sept 19-21, 2011. See the attached info for Complete details. And look under EVENTS at top of this page.
We would love to see you there, and it will be a GREAT Get Away.
I hope that you will share the info about the May 7, 2011 Meeting with your fellow librarians there in Fla. We also welcome School Librarians, and Public librarians. So please invite your friends. For full info check the Al Board of Missions web site or Marty's church website www.shoalcreekchurch.org under the library ministry. I have shared the info with you on this network so hopefully you have at least seen the info by now. Please make plans to join us.
Marty Woodall
Greetings to all Librarians in Florida. We are having a Library Conference in Prattville AL. May 7th. 8am- 4pm at First Baptist Church downtown Prattville.
I am sure Marty Woodall has sent you information.
Conferences are:
Preparing Media for Circulation
Pre-mending Not Repair
Classification Using "A Classification System for Church libraries"
Weeding the Collection
Selecting Media
Library Administration
Prmotioal Concepts
We would love to have all who can come to join us. There are several Motels in our area.
Have a Blessed Day.
Lahoma Stumbaugh
Autauga Asso. Media/Library Director