A fun place for all church librarians in Florida!
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  • I have also missed meeting at Lake Yale. I have missed Eva Nell! Your classes are always A+.
  • Two years ago God opened the door to start a library at New Horizons Baptist Church in Lakeland. This past Sept. we had 19 homeschool families vist us, checking our 171 books! God has proved that He will bless us when we are obedient! We just added another room! For the first time in my library ministry of almost 30 years, I have a children's room! We are open 2 full days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) each week. God laid on our hearts to have a special ministry to homeschool families. Our church is 11 miles from the nearest library! That was so new to me as I knew nothing about homeschooling! HE has led the way teaching me as I go! We just crossed accession number 3700! We are so excited that God has allowed us to be in on what HE is doing in our library ministry! We are making plans to go to Ridgecrest in March! Hope to see a lot of good friends there that we miss not having Lake Yale! Remember, God's blessings always follow our obedience!
  • I agree with Janice. I do miss going to Lake Yale each summer for the Church Library Workshop. I miss the classes, the fellowship, and getting my batteries recharged. I have been to workshops (just for the day) in other counties close by but once a year is not enough.
    Janet Estridge.
  • I, agree that we need to organize ourselves in Florida with a state organization. Count me in to help in any way.
    Marilyn, thanks for getting the ball rolling on this.
    Jan Moye
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Central Alabama Spring 2023 Conference

Central Alabama Spring Conference March 4 Shoal Creek Baptist Church, Deatsville, Alabama Check-In 8:00 AMConference: 8:30AM-3:30 PMCheck-in and opening session in Fellowship Hall-entrance from main parking lot. Schedule Article Information Reservations RequiredDEADLINE for reservations Wednesday March 1 stThe only cost will be a $10.00 charge for lunchYou will pay for the lunch when you arrive to check-inFor more information and to register online go: Alsbom.orgOr contact:Marty Woodall…

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Check your Calendars!

We would love to have all of you who can, attend the Central Florida Church Library Spring Conference on April 9th at Idlewild Baptist Church. The theme is "Connecting the Church Library Ministry with the Church". We will be looking at new and tried and true ways to get the church involved with the library ministry and the library ministry involved with the church. Idlewild's library team will lead the discussions, but we encourage attendees to bring their own ideas, displays, posters, flyers,…

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