Starting a new church library - what is the best way to shelve books?
I have read books on starting a new library. Most recommend the Dewey Decimal classification.I did see one library that advocated the easiest way possible for the patrons. Simply sort by fiction and non-fiction then shelve by authors last name. Suggestions please.Betty
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Hope to see all of you at the conference on March 10 in Columbia. It will be held at the Columbia Metro building at the corner of Calhoun and Gaston streets. Registration and book swap at 8:30. Class will begin at 9:00. If you need more info, email me at
Tennessee would like to invite school, public and church library workers to the Carnival of Ideas Training Events scheduled for September and October. Specific dates and locations are on the Ning Events Page or for more details and a list of classes go to and search for library. We would love to have you! Why not plan a trip to Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga or Memphis and join us while you are there?