
  • Jenn, this is SUPER promotion for our State meeting in March. It is going to be the biggest & best! We are planning it for librarians just like you. This will be the first big event since I was installed as the State Director. Will you unofficially be one of our advertisers/encouragers to get the word out in your Region? If there is anyone in any other Region who has this same joy about boosting attendance, please let me know. we need all the help we can get! Thanks for "stepping out" Jenn.
    • Thanks, Jeanne! And will be happy to promote this event! I have already handed out flyers (printouts of the Ridgecrest info with a new map that includes the new conference center) at the North Roanoke Association's Fall Meeting. I included my contact info on that since it wasn't firmed up yet. I am trying to get in front of all the associational meetings to make myself more noticeable in my role as Region 2 Rep. Since I love our conferences and have vowed to never miss another, I am naturally going to tell all I meet about this magnanimous event. So count me in!
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