All Articles (281)

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Happy New Year!

Are you like me this week? Starting back to the routine with perhaps some new pieces to the routine? One of the new pieces for me is happening Wednesday. We are opening the Enrichment Center each Wednesday morning from 9:30 AM to Noon

Merry Christmas!

Hanukkah took place this past week. Now we look to Christmas. As I write today, I am listening to the recording of my church’s special Christmas worship on December 13. That is always a highlight of our Christmas. What are the highli

Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas!

Even though our Enrichment Center is now open in the “self-checkout” mode due to the COVID surge, we are aware that lots of our folks who are attending church in person are interested in seeing what books we recommend

November 30, 2020

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah!

We had lots of viewers last week, but not too many posts. We all had other things to do last week!  Let’s start new Christmas and Hanukkah discussions this week.


Have you decorated yet? Be s


Happy Thanksgiving!! Even though this year will be different due to the pandemic, may God bless all your holiday plans.

REALM (Reopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums) Project Report

Some of us are on the email list to receive test resu


Check out what’s happening on the Church Librarians Network this week.

Selection: Appropriateness

Ann Lancaster asked a question on Friday that many if not most of us deal with often. She is asking about the appropriateness of a specific b


Praying For those of you in Hurricane Eta’s path today and coming days.

Veterans Day

What are we doing with Veterans Day this year? I put together a simple display enhancement for Veterans Day for the Enrichment Center. I even remembered t


Are you recovering from the time change today like me?

Our Ministry with Children Through our Libraries

This past Thursday our children’s minister invited me to coffee. We had a great conversation about all sorts of things happening in our


Looks like Colorado is the target now for the wildfires. Praying for those of you in the path.

COVID Research for Libraries Testing Results

Be sure to catch the discussion going on with the Realm Report posted last week. Click here.

For di

What’s New on the Church Librarians Network?

Our prayers continue for all of you who have been hit by the hurricanes and tornadoes recently. May God be with you this week.

Covid Research for Libraries Testing Results

OCLC released their Realm Test 5

What’s New on the Church Librarians Network?

Praying for our friends in the path of Hurricane Delta and those already dealing with the destruction left behind. May God be with you this week.

Fall Displays

Adair Elwing and Johanne Bryant posted pictur


What’s new on the Church Librarians Network?

New Article: “Dealing with Photos: Squishing and Choosing”

Grab a cup of tea or coffee. Find your favorite place to learn. Ken Satterfield contributed a new article to stretch our skills in visu


Last week was one of our busiest on the CLN! Each day broke records in number of views. Great to have so many of you with us last week! 

Organize Fiction

Be sure to look at the comments about how to organize fiction. Thank you, Jennifer S


Our prayers continue for those of you who are in the path of hurricanes and wildfires. And our prayers continue for those of you recovering from the damage left by hurricanes and wildfires.

Maxine Bersch-Lovern

We are remembering Mackie as


Special prayers for our friends out West dealing with the wildfires. Continuing to pray for those of you recovering from Hurricane Laura. Even now another hurricane is headed your way. And our prayers go out for those of you dealing with