Contributed by Judy Dorn and Susan Tyler
When Taylors First Baptist Church began renovation in 2016, the desire was to create an open area where folks could meet, greet, and have a cup of coffee. That created a challenge for the library volunteers since the materials would be unattended except on Wednesdays and Sundays. Our plan included going back to the card-pocket-date due slip method in which anyone could self-checkout an item. (Information is later entered into the computer by a library volunteer.) DVD’s are filed by subjects (i.e., CE, PG, BIB, etc.) and CD’s are filed by the author’s last name, then shelved on a “rolling rack” (available Wednesdays and Sundays); otherwise, they are stored in our locked workroom.
Shelf space was an issue since the area was to have several table/chairs venues, plus a large coffee bar in one corner. Books in poor condition or ones that had not been checked out in several years, or duplicate copies were not kept. Many were donated to local shelters, plus we held a “give-away” for several weeks for members. North Greenville University was happy to receive several Bible Commentary sets.
The criteria used was 2010 or newer books are in the Main Library; older ones (including series by Jenkins, Kingsbury, Morris, etc.) are stored in a downstairs room set up like the main library. Those books have original spines and numbers (no pockets/cards) and are checked out using a manual method.
We purchased a Concourse product that allows members to use their home computer to browse items in our library. More members are “checking us out” for their reading pleasure and study needs. Many who previously did not visit the library have become avid readers and ask for suggestions of authors they would enjoy. In order to make the library more usable, several “subject” areas were created (such as missions, leadership, prayer, parenting, marriage, etc.) for specific interest.
The “Connection Center” houses weekly and monthly periodicals, current prayer lists, plus church-produced study guides. Continued interest is also created by the inclusion of monthly articles and book reviews in the published and web- available church newsletter.
The “Connection Center” is an information hub for members and visitors. It has also become a place for intimate groups, fellowship before Bible Studies, and other campus meetings. We also provide specific Leadership/Life Group publications and books recommended by our ministers. Average weekly attendance in Life Groups is 1300; worship is 1550.
Link to pictures of the Connection Center in Taylors First Baptist Church, Taylors, SC: The Connection Center.
Susan Tyler and Judy Dorn are leaders of the Connection Center team with Taylors First Baptist Church, Taylors, SC.
Download article: The Connection Center