Hi Everyone!
Books for Elementary and Middle Schoolers? Graphic Novels?
What a great response to Jane Sveska’s question about collection selections for school age children! Let’s stay focused there another week! How about graphic novels for juveniles? Click here and share. In 2018, Carol Roeder asked about classifying graphic novels. Click here too.
New Church Year Starts Soon
Have you asked your liaison staff person if there will be any updates to the church's mission, vision, and core values? I asked our liaison two weeks ago. He emailed me the updated edition. He asked me not to share it with anyone until it is introduced to the church on August 1. So, I am preparing to meet with our Enrichment Center Team to rethink our Enrichment Center mission and vision statements as well as identifying ways the Enrichment Center will help the church carry out the mission and accomplish the vision for 2021-2022. We will use a chart worksheet as we plan our 2021-2022 actions. Our team meeting will take place after our pastor introduces our revised church mission and vision statements.
No matter the size of our churches, libraries, and teams, we all need to embrace this alignment action. All of our pastors and church staff members need to see our interest and willingness to participate in carrying out the mission and vision strategies of the church. Be creative and have fun with the ideas God gives you.
How do you lead your library team to plan the new church year? Most churches/synagogues have a time in the Fall when the programs start a new year as well as a different time when the budget starts a new year. While other churches do both on the same date. My church starts the budget in January, so budget planning takes place in August. That means the alignment plans to the revised mission and vision will also be budget planning. BTW, the ministry budget forms we fill out for the Finance Committee requires us to show how our requested budget items will align with the mission and vision for the church.
How does your church's library team plan together?
How are you planning to align with the church's vision and mission this year? Click here to participate in this conversation.
Have a great week!
Morlee Maynard, Coordinator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com