Hi Everyone!
Valentine Displays
We had a great response to our request for pictures of Valentine displays this year! Be sure to take a look for ideas for next year here. Great appreciation to all of you who posted pictures of your displays!
Glenn McEowen responded to last week’s email about revitalization with an article about one of the revitalization puzzle pieces: inventory. He shares how they do inventory in his church’s library in Fort Worth, Wedgewood Baptist. Let’s use this article to start a discussion on inventory. Click here. Thank you, Glenn. His ideas might be good steppingstones for your team as you consider your inventory process.
Church Library Mission Statement
Yolanda Martinez emailed me something she is pondering for her church’s library. Should a library ministry have a mission statement? She asks us the following: Do church librarians have mission statements that they use? Those of you who can reply with yes, would you share here? Thank you, Yolanda.
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Press On!
Morlee Maynard, Coordinator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com