
Sounds like many of areas hit by Hurricane Laura are still without power. Let’s continue to pray for people in these areas.

Updated Publishers List

Have you ever considered an item for your collection that you had questions about the publisher? That is the purpose of our Publishers List. Through the years, Eva Nell Hunter periodically updated our Publishers List. During August, she and Sue Berthelot spent hours going through the list. Amazing how many publishers have merged with other publishers since our last edition. Bev League and I joined them in proofing the list.

You will find some publishers on the list who have gone out of business. We decided to keep them on the list because all of us receive book donations that were published by these companies. And their books may still be available through bookstores and online sellers. If you have questions about the list, please email

Download the 2020 Publishers list here.

Summer Reading Program?

Edie Asbury and Nancy Hinshaw posted what they did this summer. Click here.

 Let’s Read

Labor Day is coming up. What will you be reading during the holiday weekend? Click here.

 Have a great week!!

Morlee Maynard, Coordinator

Church Librarians Network

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