With school starting in a few days, does that mean summer is over for all of us? I hope not! My summer reading is still in progress!! Recently, our Enrichment Center received a collection of books belonging to a special friend who passed away at age 102 years young. Her favorite series of books was the various series of quilts novels by Jennifer Chiaverini. What have you read this summer? Click here to share a book you enjoyed this summer.
How Are Our Libraries Responding to the Pandemic?
Let’s continue sharing what is happening in our churches these days. Click here to open the conversation. Interesting to read the list of comments starting on page 3 to see where we have come since March. I’ll be honest that I’m going to suggest to our Enrichment Center team that we not open this Sunday even though the church is opening with full Sunday programing for the first time since March. Nashville is one of the top Covid hotspots. I think our more productive opening would be what many of you are doing with your online access catalog and curbside pick-up.
Have you had a chance to see all the newsletter ideas yet? Not too late to post what you do with your newsletter. Click here.
Subject Headings
Ann Lancaster asked a great question about two subject headings on Q&A. How do you handle items that fall between “Commentary” and “Study and Teaching”? Click here to share how you handle these situations.
Stay safe and cool this week!!
Morlee Maynard, Coordinator
Church Librarians Network
Download: August 3 2020 Broadcast on CLN.pdf