Engagement Transitions: Building Trust led by Matt Engle
Matt is Executive Director of Gloo Innovation Hub @gloo.us and a Research Fellow with Leadnet.org.
Today, we continue to consider recorded videos of sessions from the March Baptist Association of Christian Educators virtual Conference. This session deals with a topic that we normally have not dealt with in our library ministries. After experiencing this session live on March 25, I realized things have changed in our culture in regard to TRUST. And I realized that trust may be what my church's library is dealing with these days. I encourage you to watch this video and consider how these changes may be changing your church/synagogue family.
Keep in mind, one of our purposes in viewing these BACE videos is for us to be in touch with what our pastors and church/synagogue leaders are hearing and reading.
If you got the password and link to these BACE videos in April when we first started viewing these, use that one for this session. Matt Engle's session link is the fifth video on the sesson list.
If you did not get the password earlier or you lost it, email Morlee Maynard (churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com) to request the links and information to view this video. After watching the video, please share your list of implications for our churches’ and synagogues’ library ministries in the comments.