Hi Everyone!
This week we have a Wednesday Email. Thank you for your patience.
CORRECTION: Church Libraries Making the Shift to Today’s Church Cultures.
One of our faithful members made me aware of a mistake I made regarding one of the Alabama conference videos posted on the CLN. I posted the wrong handout for the video Church Libraries Making the Shift to Today’s Church Cultures. You will now find the correct listening guide on that post. Click here. Note that this handout has much more than the listening guide. Please forgive me! You may find it helpful even if you do not view the webinar video.
New Video Conference: Thinking Outside the Library Promotion
The third in the series of five webinars provided by the Alabama church librarians is now ready for your viewing. Click here to open the CLN page that has all the links. Bev League is the webinar facilitator.
Movie Nights at Church?
We are need to update information about copyrights on the CLN. If you search “copyrights” you will find lots of posts but the latest seems to be 2014. While I gather updated information, take a look at this post. And those of you up to date, please share what is working for your church.
Amazon Wish List?
Found another interesting question on our Q&A tab. I use the Amazon Wish List to communicate with the person on our staff who places Amazon orders for our staff including the library. Never thought about making these wish lists available to church members to let us know items they wish we had in our collection. Click here to share your experiences with the Amazon Wish List.
Have a great week!
Morlee Maynard, Coordinator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com