Hi Everyone!
Church Library Websites and OPACs
Last week we added a new tab for us to share our church libraries websites and OPACS. Some of you replied to Joanne’s post while others of you posted on the new tab. Click here to read Joanne’s post and replies. Click here to see the post and replies on the new tab. Click here to add your website and OPAC information to our new tab. Even if you participated in one of the earlier discussions on this topic, you are encouraged to give an update and links on our new tab.
Spring Training Events
April 30, 2022 Evangelical Church Library Association Virtual Conference
June 4, 2022 Virginia Church Library Association Spring Conference (in-Person)
Classification and Cataloging
During March, Ann Johnson and Peggy Occhiuzzo restarted a discussion for smaller church libraries and some larger collections about using the bookstore style of cataloging. Our churches are unique so how we organize our collections need to meet the needs of people in our unique church families. Click here to share your experiences. We know this topic is controversial among church librarians. And some of us have realized a way to blend the bookstore style with Dewey style.
To add a post to any of our pages, follow these steps:
- Click on the tab you want to add a post.
- Click on the red box below the tabs to the right of the page to open a form to fill out for your post.
- When you complete the form, click on Save and Publish.
- If you see a need to edit your post, click on the red box with a pen in the middle that is now on the top right of the page.
Press On!
Morlee Maynard, Coordinator
Church Librarians Network
Email: churchlibrariansnetwork@gmail.com
Website: churchlibrarians.NING.com